60 Scarves in 60 Days 2009

60 Scarves in 60 Days 2009
Let's all take the Challenge

Monday, January 5, 2009

What happens when you lose your job?

So what really happens to you and your family when you lose your job?
I thought I would be ok after getting laid off, but after all the holidays that have past us by, I don't feel so good now that Monday has arrived. I am all alone this Monday afternoon. There's no-one to talk to in the office, there's no-one to joke around with, the phones are not ringing off the hook and I don't have 10 people coming to me with questions looking for answers.
I miss the chaos, I miss my at work family, I miss the arguements, the laughter, the lunchens, the hanging in the office and just shooting the breeze.

You know, I have always wanted to have my own business, maybe that's what I will start to do. I will do alot of research on what business will be good for me. I really don't mind staying home, but I just need to do something, I need to make some extra money.

First you need to call the Unemployment line and open your case, the 2 weeks later you will need to call MARVIN, which stands for - Michigan Automated Response Voice Interactive Network. Then you have to wait another 2 days for your money to be either in your bank account of on the stupid Debit card that the unemployment issues to you. My family and I are not going to be able to just make it on $600.00 every 2 weeks. I need to come up with something fast. Maybe I should start a home business or maybe I should go back to the catering that I used to do.

How are you suppose to save money if everything you essentially need are too expensive!!