60 Scarves in 60 Days 2009

60 Scarves in 60 Days 2009
Let's all take the Challenge

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What happens when you can's sleep?

Your husband and your dog are having a snoring contest? What do you do? Do you get up and go into the other room or do you stuff cotton balls in your ears and try to ignore them? Well my friends, I left the room!! I can't take it anymore. I need something to stop them from snoring in my ears all night. I need a solution, can anyone help with this issue of mine?

I went to my computer to try and blog something up, but instead I went to the fridge and made me a small bowl of chocolate ice cream. There is nothing like eating a bowl of ice cream to yourself with out the little children around and asking for a bite of yours. My nieces are always asking for a bite of my food. They seem to want to eat all of your food, but not what is on their plates. Even though it is the exact same thing. How funny children can be when they are that young.

So its 5am now and I have to get in the shower before everyone else wakes up. My shoulder is burning from sitting in this seat for so long. I had to put my earphones on just to listen to my music so that I don't wake everyone else up like my dog and husband did by snoring in my ear. Now I won't be able to go to bed until after 3pm today. I have too much that needs to get done.

I have to get the kids up at 6:30, they won't climb out of bed until 7, then I have to rush them out the door and take them to school by 7:30, go back home for about 3 hours, take my mom to her doctor appointment by 11, then be back at my house by 1pm to watch my brothers 2 babies, then leave to pick up my girls by 2:40pm, come back home by 3:15pm, get them started on their homework and after that they have to get their chores done. My sister comes by at 6:30pm to pick up her kids and then by 7pm sit and have dinner. Then maybe I will go and lay down by 8 or 9pm. First I need to make sure my girls have their showers before they go to bed. Then its lights out for me for the night, if I don't wake up to SNORING again!